I visited my sister in January.I felt a need to have a spiritual connection somehow while I was on the road. Midway to the coast I thought that the thing I needed was a portable shrine or altar.So once I reached my destination and unpacked, I looked in my jewelry and pocketbook and came up with a cool answer to the altar....
First I had a small quartz crystal which symbolizes cleansing,positive energy and spiritual harmony and love....it also balances out chakras.I had a prayer card of St.Nicholas who is my patron saint. I had a perfume stick called Karma which smells like incense. I had a glass moonstone.I had several pieces of jewelry which worked wonderfully including the following: a necklace with a Hindu mandala, a hematite bracelet which symbolizes Buddhist prayer beads,a Miraculous Medal and a Celtic Cross and a necklace of a "Peace Goddess" which is a pendant inspired by John Lennon .Of course I also had my prayer book. All these things were perfect for my needs and my make shift altar.I was able to spend time in front of my altar every morning and night I was there.Glorious! All is well!
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